Hi there!

And welcome!

While you're here, you can find out what's going on with my shop, hear reviews about all sorts of things, and read about my thoughts and stories from Walt Disney World!

My new goal is to post at least once a week! lol

So keep checking back; I'll always have something new to say!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bye for now...

After giving it much thought... I have decided to move on somewhere else with my new creations.

I've become tired of monotony, and ignorant people, and have many great plans for new things in a new place. I'll not be posting much here anymore. Or on my site.

Jimmy and I are also 'starting anew', so to speak. ;) We've decided to start spending more time with each other, and do more things together that we've always wanted to do... Start getting to mark things off our 'Wish' Lists... Travel more, find some fun local activities to get involved in, participate in and attend more craft and art shows, music shows, start a garden, get a small replica of our wedding cake made from the local bakery... lol Things like that. Fun things. Things that don't involve so much of the internet, and computers.

I'm looking forward to it! I feel like a whole new person already!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not much time!

Not a lot of time to post right now!

I just wanted to make sure you guys kept an eye out for my Valentine's Day lollipop charms, along with several other Valentine's Day treats!

I may also do a sneak peek of some of my summer goodies, too! We'll have to see how some of my other plans are going when the time comes! ;) Lots of exciting things going on around here!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Chocolate Cookies!

These are going fast! If you want one, get it soon!

In other news... Jimmy and I are really excited about his new freelance job!!! He's going to be writing music for Scripps cable!!! He's done a few things for them before, and has songs on Animal Planet, USA, HGTV, and a couple of other networks. They called him a couple of weeks ago to see if he would like to 'officially' work for them! He goes in for training tomorrow. They're going to start him out part-time, then when a full-time position opens, he will most likely have the option to switch over!! Needless to say, we are NOT going to be moving to Nashville now! lol He's also going to have a song on a new Xbox 360 game soundtrack! I think it's supposed to be out in May... I'll post a link when it's out! I am so SO proud of him! He has such talent, and now people are starting to recognize it on a much larger scale!

And for my exciting news... The local boutique that I sell my items in has had to move to a larger shop! I am so excited about this! Their grand opening is February 1st
, and I've got some special Valentine's Day goodies to take to her for that! :) . My sister-in-law is trying to see about getting a spot in the fashion show that day! I'm super excited about it, because that means more people will also be able to see my goodies in person! I've gotten some great customers, and met some wonderful people through the shop!

On a side note... One of my suppliers sent me a pack of each of all 34 colors of the new Studio by Sculpey clay to test out, along with some of the new tools. I'm really loving it all so far! And the color names of the clay are awesome! Buttercream, Raspberry Smoothie, and Wasabi to name a few! I'm definitely going to be getting the rest of the tools in this line. The ones they sent me are so easy and useful!

Oh! And I also have another Disney World guidebook that I'm going to be reviewing soon, so check back for that!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Valentine's Day Bake Sale!

After deciding not to get the super-duper-large box of Valentine's Day cookies at the store; I came home and made my own! Valentine's Day Cookie Necklaces! Each cookie is right at 1" tall, and strung on matching ribbon with silver findings. Tie closure. $16 each plus shipping. I only have these three available, so if you want one, get yours now!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cloverfield & Updates!

So... I went last night with some friends to see Cloverfield... And we all really enjoyed it! I was really expecting it to be awful after all the hype, but I wasn't disappointed at all! I'm not going to say anything else about it, so that I don't spoil anything! I know a bunch of people have said it was terrible, but even on Rotten Tomatoes it has a 77%, which is pretty high for that site! Woohoo!

In other news... January is going by super fast! I have some Valentine's Day goodies that I may be posting next week. Here is a sneak peek:

It's some of my little hand-stitched hearts! I've got a bunch of Valentine colors, and some sweet scented ones, too! Right now they're only $10! Let me know if you would like one (or more!). P.S. - the red one is Red Hot Cinnamon scented! ;)

I'm also taking orders on beaded items - cakes, cake slices, flowers, castles, etc. If you want anything, get your order in soon!

Well... I've got many things to do over this long 4-day weekend, so I'm going to go get started!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Yum yum beaded cupcake!

This little beaded cupcake totally needed his own post! Note the sweet little pink sprinkles and the cherry on top! I just love doing these! I've even started doing scented ones! Woohoo!

I'm currently working on a tiny little version. Look for her sometime near Valentine's Day! <3 <3

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy Thursday!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful 2008 so far! Mine has been super busy!

I've got many new things for the shop finished! I will most likely start posting some goodies next week! Don't look for everything all at once though! I'll be posting bits here and there all throughout the year, so as not to overwhelm everyone! (And myself! lol)

For now... I've got a couple of extra necklaces! Ready to ship!

Sweet Sundae Necklace - $16 plus shipping. Seed bead colors: Marshmallow, Raspberry Ice, and Frosty Rootbeer. Be sure to let me know the length of chain you would like!

Mermaid Lagoon Necklace - $18 plus shipping. Seed bead colors: Blueberry Sorbet, Turquoise, and Arctic Spearmint. Again... Let me know the length of chain!

Both necklaces are made of high-quality silver plated wire, glass seed beads, and lots of love! Beaded pendants are around 5/8 - 3/4" tall, and beaded on both sides.

I'm not going to be taking custom orders for these, so if you see one you want, you better snap it up! Click here to order yours!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!